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One of the hardest competitions to judge: X Games Best Whip. Racer Whips? Turn downs? Turn ups?

This is a small snippet of his review of the Best Whip competition this year which saw Tom Parsons take the win a couple of years after returning with the thumb-throttle assembly after breaking his wrist badly.
Now he has a Gold Medal from Best Whip after throwing his bike in every direction and snagging the win over Genki Watanabe (Wanky) who had one of the biggest Turn-Downs ever. Who did you think should have won?

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Posted in: Podcast

X Games 2021 Best Whip : Review 3/6

The motocross discipline which measures style over anything else, returned to X Games 2021 with Best Whip and there was a huge shake-up in the results with surprise eliminations and a very deserving winner!
Tom Parsons brought the heat with some of the biggest whips ever done on a dirt bike, and he took the win over Wanky (Genki Watanabe) who has some of the best Turn Down whips as well